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Enhanced Cybersecurity for your Infrastructure

The Sandbox AQ Paradigm Suite is a comprehensive, end-to-end portfolio of quantum-resistant solutions to protect sensitive information, computing systems, networks and other assets. Our approach is to deploy post-quantum cryptography (PQC) across the entire customer footprint, including endpoint devices, network, backend and cloud infrastructure.

AQ Analyzer

Provides insights into an organization’s entire infrastructure and delivers a comprehensive, holistic overview of its cryptographic algorithms and protocols.

AQ Framework

Provides hybrid and fully quantum-resistant cryptographic protocols via a crypto-agile API, allowing organizations to build post-quantum cryptography solutions using a diverse variety of technologies and implementations.

AQ Brain

Provides automated orchestration of cryptographic algorithms and protocols among an organization’s applications or the AQ Enterprise solutions leveraging machine learning. Simplifies how cryptography is configured and managed within an organization’s ecosystem.

AQ Enterprise

Provides a range of solutions that cover a collection of use cases, including (a) AQ Benchmark which analyzes the performance impact of quantum-resistant algorithms and protocols in a given scenario; (b) AQ VPN for secure channel communication; (c) AQ Envoy for quantum-resistant microservices communications; (d) AQ KMS; and (e) AQ Signet for quantum-resistant digital signature capabilities for software updates, and data management.

The PQC Migration Process

The Sandbox AQ Paradigm Suite enables an organization to streamline and manage the transition to PQC in order to simplify the lengthy process, which requires extensive security audits and numerous complex phases. SandboxAQ has an adaptable approach to assess, and implement a complete PQC migration. Our iterative engagement and delivery includes the following phases:

It is estimated that more than 20 billion devices globally will need software upgrades to quantum-resistant cryptography, including mobile phones, laptops, servers and IoT devices, with additional efforts needed for on-chip manufacturers and telecom networks. Read our whitepaper to find out more about the PQC migration process.